If you are a Q50 Fraser Coast Branch Pistol Sub-Branch member then you must complete the Annual Pistol Return & Declaration online by the 1st of July each year. This is a QLD Weapons Licensing requirement.
This must be accompanied by a $20 Pistol Sub-Branch Administration Fee form and your Shoot Participation Records. You must also keep your Participation Records and submit it to Weapons Licensing Branch when it comes time to renew your Concealable Licence. Please submit your participation records and pay online using the Annual Pistol Return & Declaration form, or if you wish to also purchase a Range Pass Card please use the above Range Pass Application Form. Please Note: If you did not pay your Sub-Branch Administration Fee or submit your Participation Records and Declaration last year, then you are not a Pistol Sub-Branch Member and will need to apply using the application form here. Join Us. Comments are closed.
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