Range Rules & Standing Orders
Range Rules:
- Shooting may take place at our range only after a range officer authorised to do so by our branch management committee has declared the range to be open for shooting, and not after the range officer has declared that range to be closed for shooting.
- Shooting at our range at times when it is not under the control of a range officer appointed by the committee would constitute an offence under the Weapons Act 1990. Our branch management committee has a zero tolerance in regard to any breach of this rule.
- Immediately upon arrival at the range, report directly to the Range Officer and sign the appropriate attendance/range register, present your Firearms Licence, SSAA Membership Card and Range Pass Card to the range officer, or complete the paperwork to enable you to shoot. Pay any required fees. If you do not have a firearms licence you will be required to have photo identification and to present that to the range officer.
- Juniors (aged 11-17), who do not have a government issued ID, can present a school ID, or a photocopy of a passport photo that has been signed by a JP plus parents Medicare card showing the child.
- Visitors are allowed on the branch premises only at the discretion of the President or Committee, Branch Captain, or Range Officer. (Conditions apply)
- Only once you have signed in can you remove your firearms from your vehicle.
- Where possible firearms are to be taken to the firing line in cases or bags and only removed from the case or bag when the range officer has declared the range open and allowed uncasing of firearms.
- Shooters who do not have cases or bags that are removable from their vehicle may take the firearm uncased from their vehicle and carry it to the firing line with the barrel facing upwards and the action open. They must be accompanied by a Range Officer. This is only allowed when the range officer has declared the range open.
- No firearms are to be handled while the range is closed (except in a designated safe area).
- Shooters are to insert an empty chamber indicator into the firearm before it is declared safe.
- Once on the firing line the muzzle of the firearm must be pointing in a safe direction (DOWN RANGE).
- The powers of the Range Officer are absolute and are not subject to question or discussion.
- Shooting can only commence under the direction of a Range Officer
- Wearing of eye and ear protection is strongly recommended.
- All shooters are to wear enclosed footwear
- Only SSAA aproved targets can be used on the range.
- During a Range Closure stand BACK from the BENCHES and no handling firearms and ammunition
- All firearms must be cleared by a Range Officer before being cased, ready for removal from the range, or before being placed in a rack. This must me done while the range is open for shooting.
- These range rules are to be read in conjunction with the SSAA Qld. Inc. Range Standing Orders and the branch Code of Conduct.
The SSAA (Qld.) Inc. Range Standing Orders and Code of Conduct may be viewed by clicking on a link below: